Cllr W Delf (Chair)
Cllr S Thubron (Vice Chair)
Cllr P Cardwell
Cllr H Grant
B Jones (Clerk)
2 Members of the Public
1.2.23 |
To receive and note apologies for absence
There were apologies received from:-
Cllr M Pattinson Cllr K Foster (North Yorkshire Council)
2.2.23 |
To receive ‘Declarations of Interest’ in items on the agenda
Cllr Cardwell and Cllr Grant indicated a personal interest in Sleegill related matters.
3.2.23 |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on:
a) Annual Parish Council Meeting b) Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Council Meeting
The minutes of the meetings held on the 9th May 2023 were approved.
Matters arising:
The grass was cut at the layby down Theakston Lane.
Clerk to send Cllrs copy of the letter sent to Yorkshire Water.
10.2.23 |
Any other business
A concern was raised regarding the parking on Theakston Lane. Vehicles are parking in mass numbers which is causing concerns for residents and a potential issue if emergency services needed to get access.
The Clerk to contact the Council regarding the missing Conservation area sign at the top end of Holly Hill.
The Clerk to contact the PCSO in relation to the solid white lines on the bend.
The Cllrs discussed the lamp posts which have recently been replaced.
The Clerk to contact the Council regarding the base stubs which have been left from the old posts. |
4.2.23 |
Reports of previous month’s meetings etc. - to hear from Parish/District/County Councillors on any meetings attended or other information of interest to the Parish Council
The Clerk to contact North Yorkshire Council for an update regarding the right of way issue in relation to the footpath in Sleegill.
5.2.23 |
Cllr Delf to attend the Richmondshire Branch meeting on 23rd October. |
6.2.23 |
New Parish Charter
A copy of the new North Yorkshire Council Parish Charter was sent out prior to the meeting.
Cllrs to read and the Clerk to find out more information.
Item for next meeting. |
7.2.23 |
Notice Board
The Clerk presented three quotes for a replacement free standing noticeboard. Cllrs agreed they were expensive.
The Clerk advised the Council do not have to replace it as they already have two.
The Clerk to gather quotes for a smaller wall mounted board which could be built into free standing.
Cllr Cardwell to enquire regarding price.
Item for next meeting. |
8.2.23 |
Land Registry
The Clerk gave an update regarding the Parish Councils application to purchase the layby at the bottom of Sleegill.
Cllrs to look for past information which is required.
To Clerk to contact solicitors for quotes.
Cllr Cardwell to enquire regarding prices.
Item for next meeting. |
9.2.23 |
The Clerk still requires full access to the account. Relevant paperwork has been completed.
The Clerk advised the Parish’s current balance is £6449.85.
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllrs accepted the accounts. |
11.2.23 |
Dates for the next meeting |
Thursday 7th December 2024 – 6.30pm |
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm. |